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Katharina Rosenberger Featured in Berlin - Los Angeles, Witten Chamber Music Festival

In her own words, Katharina Rosenberger's family history ranges "from Berlin to Hamburg to Zurich and from East Prussia to the river banks of the Rio de la Plata in Uruguay"— an international heritage that has inspired the composer to participate in several international collaborations. Recently, Rosenberger has been featured by the sister cities of Berlin and Los Angeles, who celebrated their 50th anniversary as sister cities in 2017. Berlin - Los Angeles has interviewed Rosenberger about her collaborative, interactive VIVA VOCE project, which premiered in 2013 in Los Angeles' Human Resources gallery. Created with Berlin-based video artist Heiko Kalmbach, Rosenberger produced an interactice interface that celebrates experimental vocal performance art, with interviews, oral histories, and peformances by three esteemed vocalists in three separate cities: Juliana Snapper (Los Angeles), Shelley Hirsch (New York), and Pamela Z (San Francisco). Check out video from the premiere below: 

Across the Atlantic, Rosenberger's compositions have also recently been featured in the Wittner Tage für neue Kammermusik [Witten Days of New Chamber Music]. The festival featured the world premiere of her new work surge, for clarinet, cello, and piano, and also featured an installation of her video work, Quartet

Back in Los Angeles, on May 7th, Rosenberger will oversee the American premiere of SHIFT, conducted by Nicholas Deyoe and featuring trombonists Matt Barbier and Weston Olencki, along with students at the California Institute for the Arts, in a program that also features student compositions and György Ligeti's Violin Concerto. 

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