European American Music Distributors Company is a member of the Schott Music Group


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PSNY Celebrates its 2 Year Anniversary!

This month we're thrilled to celebrate the 2nd anniversary of Project Schott New York's launch! PSNY has reinvented music publishing by building a dedicated catalog of digital editions of the world's most cutting-edge new music. In just two years, we've made available over 300 works of contemporary music spanning all genres from solo, chamber and electronic music to choral and opera. All of these works are available for immediate download or in print edition. Our composers represent some of the most interesting, challenging, and beautiful creators of contemporary music in the field today. 

And we've had some significant milestones along the way. For the first time ever, we have made available the chamber works of Morton Subotnick. We've also unearthed over a dozen works by René Leibowitz, the man who introduced Serialism to the West, a term he coined. We've published numerous operas, over thirty string quartets, works for voice, electronics, and large ensembles alike. Additionally, this blog offers unique content every week, including media, news and reviews, as well as in-depth composer portraits (including David Franzson, Keeril Makan, René Leibowitz and Lei Liang).

In honor of the anniversary, we've put together a sampler of works from across our catalogue: 

With tablet technology on the rise, it's never been a better time as a music lover to start using digital editions for study and performance. PSNY makes available a new world of cutting-edge works to anyone with access to a computer. And so far, thousands of people have taken advantage of this vital resource in new music. 

PSNY has become a great resource for composers and performers alike. Perhaps Timo Andres, who plays both of these roles, acutely portrays the value of digital editions. To close out our two-year anniversary, here is a video of Timo performing At the River, one of our first published works.