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- Æolus Quartet Performs Keeril Makan's "Washed by Fire"
- Mario Diaz de Leon Premieres "Sacrament" with Talea Ensemble
- Ann Cleare's "eyam v (woven)" Premieres at RTÉ National Symphony Orchestra
- Music from Copand House: Pierre Jalbert, "Secret Alchemy"
- Kettle Corn New Music Presents Scott Wollschleger's "Brontal Symmetry"
- Third Coast Percussion Premieres Christopher Cerrone's "Goldbeater's Skin"
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- Andrew Norman's "Play", Revised & Ready for Action at the LA Phil
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- Contemporary Piano Video Library features Lei Liang's "Garden Eight"
- Ted Hearne's "The Source" in Los Angeles and San Francisco
- Ethan Iverson interviews Alvin Singleton on "Do The Math"
- ▼September
(6 posts)
- New Works by Kate Soper and Mario Diaz de Leon at the LA Phil
- Lerdahl and Carrick Performed by Sound Icon in Boston
- Yale Choral Artists Perform Hannah Lash's "Requiem"
- Ann Cleare's "Mire |...| Veins" at the Festival of New Trumpet Music
- Ted Hearne: Sounds from the Bench
- Erin Gee Featured at the Resonant Bodies Festival
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- Lei Liang: Deriving Worlds
- Pierre Jalbert's "Howl" Recorded by Pro Arte Quartet
- Gregory Spears' "Fellow Travelers" Premieres at Cincinnati Opera
- New Releases of Morton Subotnick's Works for "Ghost Electronics"
- Timo Andres' "Comfort Food" in New York
- Anthony Cheung's "Dystemporal" Now Available from Wergo
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- Hannah Lash at the New York Philharmonic Biennial
- Jennifer Koh's "Shared Madness"
- World Premiere of Mario Diaz de Leon's "O Ignis Spiritus" by the TAK Ensemble
- Hannah Lash's "Beowulf" Premiered by Guerilla Opera
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- Alex Mincek: "On The Outside, Looking Out"
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- Christopher Cerrone's "High Windows" on Q2 Music's "LPR Live" Podcast
- "In The Chamber" with Kamran Ince, Pierre Jalbert, and Christopher Cerrone
- Alex Mincek Portrait Concert at Miller Theatre
- Ted Hearne Premieres "Baby (an argument)" with Ensemble ACJW
- Kate Soper's OITOITOI Premiered by Ogni Suono Duo
- Marilyn Nonken Debuts Richard Carrick's "la touche sonore sous l'eau"
- ▼January
(7 posts)
- Kate Soper Profiled on NewMusicBox
- Timo Andres at the Phillips Collection
- Sleeping Giant at Carnegie Hall and Le Poisson Rouge
- Josh Modney Performs at Spectrum NYC
- Lei Liang Performed by the Mivos Quartet
- Gregory Oakes Performs Ken Ueno at the 2016 New Music Gathering
- PSNY Remembers John Duffy (1926-2015)
- ▼December (3 posts)
- ▼November
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- Ted Hearne's "Law of Mosaics" in Chicago; "The Source" CD Release
- "The Branch Will Not Break" at Present Music
- Two New Works by Timo Andres
- Soper, Lash, and Pintscher Performances on the East Coast
- Sound Icon Performs Ken Ueno's "Zetsu"
- Andrew Norman Premieres "Switch" at Utah Symphony
- PSNY Around America
- ▼October
(8 posts)
- New Works on PSNY: Wollschleger, Ueno and Cerrone
- New Works and Performances by Ann Cleare
- Hannah Lash Premieres Two Works with ACO and Ensemble Intercontemporain
- Keeril Makan's "Persona" Premieres at National Sawdust
- JACK Quartet and ACO Premiere New Alex Mincek Concerto
- Rufus Wainwright's "Prima Donna" on Deutsche Grammophon
- New Works by Timo Andres on PSNY
- Vijay Iyer Joins PSNY!
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- Opera News from PSNY Composers
- Introducing the PSNY Greenroom
- "Invisible Cities" named 2014 Pulitzer Prize Finalist!
- New Works from Evan Ziporyn, Lei Liang, René Leibowitz, Christopher Cerrone, and Hannah Lash
- The British Are Coming! To PSNY!
- A Keeril Makan Premiere, Conducted by Richard Carrick
- Tobias Picker on Tzadik Records
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Posts tagged 'University of Memphis'
All-PSNY Concert at the University of Memphis
Kamran Ince, composer and professor of Composition at the University of Memphis, recently led a concert of the U of M's Contemporary Chamber Players at the Rudi E Scheidt School of Music. The program included Ken Ueno's Visible Reminder of Invisible Light, Alex Mincek's Subito: No. 2, Timo Andres' I Found It By The Sea, Adrian Knight's Vain Attempts, and Keeril Makan's Tender Illusions. Check out this playlist of some of Kamran Ince's own compositions below, which were recently performed in a composer portrait concert by Milwaukee's leading new music organization, Present Music.
New Works on PSNY
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