Ann Cleare Wins Ernst von Siemens Music Foundation Composers' Prize
Mar. 01, 2019
We are delighted to announce that PSNY composer, Ann Cleare, has won a 2019 Ernst von Siemens Music Foundation Composers' Prize. The Foundation notes:
"The awarding of Ann Cleare recognises a composer who works in the areas of concert music, opera, extended sonic environments, and hybrid instrumental design. Her output explores the static and sculptural nature of sound, probing the extremities of timbre, texture, color, and form. She creates highly psychological and corporeal sonic spaces that encourage a listener to contemplate the complexity of the lives we exist within, exploring poetries of communication, transformation, and perception. Ann studied at University College Cork, IRCAM, and holds a Ph.D. from Harvard University. Her scores are published by Project Schott New York (PSNY). She is Assistant Professor of Music and Media Technologies at Trinity College Dublin. As an artistic collaborator with Dublin Sound Lab, she will work on developing their programming and production of electronic music over the coming years. Ann is Projects Officer with Sounding the Feminists (#STF), a collective championing principles of equality, fairness, inclusivity, and diversity in Irish musical life.
Writing about Ann Cleare's numerous accomplishments, Dr. Gascia Ouzounian, a Professor of Music at Oxford University, states:
"Ann Cleare’s music is so bold, so direct, so clear in its expressive intentions that it begs the question: is it music at all? Or is it something else, an altogether different artform that draws from musical traditions, but pushes against and beyond them, articulating something that is at once about sound, but that is equally concerned with energy, motion, space – and the world itself?"
The answer to this is, as Ouzounian attests, "Of course, it is all these things and more, and as such it enables us to understand music in these new but fundamental ways."
Listen to Ann Cleare's Dorchadas (2007), for ensemble, here:
(Dorchadas/Ann Cleare/International Contemporary Ensemble)
To read the official press release from the Ernst von Siemens Music Foundation, click here.
To learn more about Ann Cleare and to purchase her scores, visit: